III Congreso Internacional Historia a Debate Santiago de Compostela

IV Congreso Internacional Historia a Debate
Santiago de Compostela, 15-19 de diciembre de 2010


Ponencias aceptadas


Secc. I.2. Innovaciones paradigmáticas (historia digital)


Lawrence J. McCrank (Chicago State University, USA)


Historical Information Science a Decade Later



A retrospective look at the advances in the use of information technology and information sciences in historical work and History in the Information Sciences, updating and revising positions, observations and predictions made in HaD II. Particularly noted is the rapid conversion of sources to digital depositories and internet access, creating a different scholars workspace than before, global access, and a challenge to traditional publishing, scholarly communications, and libraries. Ironically this has not reduced the propensity toward conferencing or reduced the need for person-to-person contact, or the values of the historical profession and regard for monographic work. Research methodological advances still reside outside of History and there is slow adoption of new methods and approaches that take advantage of massive digital resources, search and analytic methods, and reform of graduate education.

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