III Congreso Internacional Historia a Debate Santiago de Compostela

IV Congreso Internacional Historia a Debate
Santiago de Compostela, 15-19 de diciembre de 2010


Ponencias aceptadas


Secc. I.5. Lo nuevo y lo viejo en teoria de la historia


Mikko Myllykangas, Anttila Tero (University of Oulu, Finland)


The Influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on the Concept of Subject in Michel Foucault’s Philosophy of History


French historian Michel Foucault declared more than once that Friedrich Nietzsche was one of his main influences. One of the so called nietzschean themes in Foucault’s philosophy of history was perspectivism as a basis of historical inquiry.

In this paper we discuss the concept of subject in Michel Foucault’s philosophy of history in the light of thought of Friedrich Nietzsche. The concept of subject has a certain ambiguity in Foucault’s works. The concept of subject can be understood as an actor in a discourse, performing specific tasks and exercising power in a discourse. On the other hand subject stands for a person subjugated by the power of discourse which manifests itself in the discursive practices. In this paper we are going to study the influence of Nietzsche on the ambiguous concept of subject in the historical thought of Michel Foucault.

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